Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Riding Three Sisters

The Twisted Sisters. Texas 335, 336 & 337. Medina, Vanderpool, Leakey, Camp Wood...sprinkle in Utopia, Bandera, Garner State Park, Texas 16, Texas 41 and Texas 39 and you have a real ride. Front the whole affair with 1431, Texas 29, Park Road 4, 71, Enchanted Rock, the Willow City Loop and Walt Wilkins on stage in Luckenbach and Old Number 9 under bright clear cool skies over three days and you have motorcycle nirvana.
I cannot claim any new deep spiritual insights from this trip. It was just fun. Ok, maybe that is a deep spiritual insight. This life affords too little fun. It was great to go get some.
We rode slowly, savoring the views and the sweep of the curves, rarely seeing any other human traffic but enjoying every hawk, turkey, buffalo, deer and wild pig along the way. Even the buzzards took on majestic airs.
Ok, I admit it. It a non-sustainable selfish way to pass the time. We each burned a gallon of gas every 50 miles, ate away 900 miles of tire tread and killed a few dozen bugs. Sure, we should have ridden bicycles rather than pushing 800 pound monsters through the wind. Well, we didn't. Take me back 100 years, I would have gladly done it on a horse. Take me forward 50 and I will go on a solar powered hover bike...and if I make it that long, I will. But I am here now and this is how it is...and I'm not going to miss it.
Come springtime...looking for a 1200 mile weekend in the twisties...with wildflowers!